Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Please post a hello so we know you are on.  We're still waiting for Leslie, Suzanne, Brian and Tom.  "Ashley" is actually David!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Chapters 7, 8, & 9 Responses

1. By June 29th, each book study member should post a personal response to the following:
Discuss how you will structure conferences with students.  How will you use students' mathematical thinking to guide instruction?

2. By July 15th, develop "critera for success" checklist or rubric for a math concept you will teach next year.  If you work together as a team, choose two math concepts to develop a checklist or rubric.  Share your checklist or rubric with the book study group through email.  (It's not possible to attach items to this blog).

3. By August 17th, meet with your team to outline the steps for putting into the practice the components of guided math.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Book Study Reminder

Just a reminder that chapters 7-9 need to be read by the end of June.  Mike and I will be sending an e-mail with the steps to respond in the blog.  We're looking forward to reading your comments!


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